Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
Ready to manifest a life that's aligned and energised? Seen and heard helps you deepen your connection to your higher self, evolve your mindset, and step into your full personal power. Through stories, live coaching sessions and interviews you will feel inspired and motivated empowering you to live a purpose-driven life by design.
Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
Stepping into Confidence: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Trusting Your Instincts with Erica Kreismann
In this episode, I sit down with Erica Kreismann, a trailblazing emergency medicine specialist, executive coach, and mom of four, to explore the journey from self-doubt to self-belief.
We dive deep into:
- Recognising and silencing the inner critic.
- Shifting from the “zone of excellence” to the “zone of genius.”
- Balancing instincts and decision-making to align with your true potential.
Erica shares powerful insights from her leadership coaching work, and we discuss practical tools for building confidence, trusting your gut, and showing up authentically.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone ready to step out of their comfort zone and into their next chapter.
Connect with Erica Kreismann:
- LinkedIn: Erica Kreismann
- Website: https://www.onewildcoaching.com/
🎧 Tune in now and take the first step toward overcoming self-doubt and embracing your potential.
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To work directly with me, bookings are available at https://www.prueaja.com
Today on the podcast I have Erica Kriesman, an emergency medicine specialist, executive coach and mum of four living in Tasmania. Originally from Brooklyn, she's passionate about helping women grow as leaders through honest conversations, gratitude and leaning into discomfort. I've worked with Erica on two personal branding shoots, capturing her incredible journey of reinvention. In this episode, we explore how to balance instincts with decision-making, overcome self-doubt and embrace self-worth. Let's dive in. Welcome to the Seen and Heard podcast, created for you if you're a consultant, coach or creative and want to enhance your connection to your higher self, evolve your mindset and embody your personal brand, creating freedom, fulfillment and success. Whether you're leveling up or navigating a new chapter, this podcast helps you own your power and show up confidently to be seen and heard. I'm your host, pruaja, personal brand coach, photographer and motivational speaker.
Speaker 2:It's fascinating, right, the way that we land in that space of who we are, because even though I I had the structure and the guidance and ticked various boxes and have loved it and have loved the journey of medicine and fascinated and challenged I, I've also never, never done it in a traditional way. So, even within that structure, I've always found ways to kind of add my own flair and flavor. You know, whether it's doing my training in the U? S and then saying like, all right, I'm gonna I'm, you know, move to a different continent that I've never even been to. You know, I'm gonna, you know, move to a different continent that I've never even been to. You know, I'm gonna start from scratch over there, like I've always been an adventurer and somehow made it work, even within the paradigm of being traditional the paradigm of being traditional.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I think that's why we connect so well as well. So you do have that, you do listen to that innate wisdom. You were making that decision. Was there anything getting in the way of it Like? Was there any? You know, war between your mind and your heart.
Speaker 2:That's that, for me, has been the learning, certainly as I get older, is understanding that I was going to say, like my my heart is the is the is the guide and my my head is the is the is the guide and my my head is the it's. It's the safety right, it's the checks and balances system, like that constant um dialogue that's going on, and and appreciating. They're both there for a reason, you you know, but for sure my initial inclination may and tends to be to follow my heart and then my, my brain kicks in and it, and it has all of the logic and the rationality of, probably like the generations that I grew up with, the voice of. That's irresponsible. You can't do that. Why would you do that?
Speaker 2:How are you going to do this? How are you going to pay the bills? How are you going to cover the? Do that, how are you going to do this? How are you going to pay the bills? How are you going to cover the mortgage? How are you going to? It's like it's all there. It's just usually secondary, it's usually after my heart, and my heart always knows I'm going to figure it out.
Speaker 1:So how do you shut that voice down and create the balance between both of them?
Speaker 2:What I've learned is that I I I don't go into it shutting it down anymore, because then it becomes a little bit of like a conflict. What I've learned is how to honor both. What I've learned is how to honor both biggest way that I've leveled up Whereas in the past I would disregard, I would ignore, I didn't truly honor it Knowing to now pay attention like something doesn't feel right, it doesn't sit right, that's a pause point for me and it and that's when I'm learning to, with curiosity and grace and being gentle, start to look at at whatever is going on from different perspectives. But but that's been, but that's been a huge point of of growth for me is even learning that those feelings are valid, that that means something. How does it show up?
Speaker 2:yeah, for you um it is very, it's very visceral, it is very much I it's a tightness, a discomfort. It's not even really prickly Like and it feels so funny to try to put it into words because it is. It is something that that manifests in my body in a way that feels almost like tension is probably the the best way, and when I'm paying attention, I notice like I, I I store it, I feel it, and if I just then intentionally like we'll pause and take that breath and try to relax it, that's an opportunity for me to just start exploring it a bit more gently.
Speaker 1:Do you?
Speaker 2:have a similar. Oh yeah, go ahead.
Speaker 1:I was going to say um, I have a similar thing. I do get blocked in listening to myself. Um.
Speaker 1:So, with the human design being a generator and with the sacral authority, it's very much practicing the yes and the no and being decisive. So actually that's something I might just quickly add in is if you've got children that are generators, it's much better to say, instead of going, what do you want for dinner? It's saying, do you want beef for dinner? They want yes. No questions. And same with myself realizing that and learning to strengthen my yes and no as well, of what comes up in the first answer is always the right answer, not allowing that mind to come in and going but should this, this, this? So I've been practicing that because I can be very indecisive at times. But the way it shows up in my body is if I start kind of physically closing in and feeling tight, that's a no, and if I'm open and excited and expansive, that's a yes. So trusting in that, but if I question it and think too much, that's when I get in the messy middle.
Speaker 2:So when you find yourself in that messy middle, how have you learned to navigate that?
Speaker 1:You know what? I actually drive myself insane some days, but it's usually around what should I eat, like, where should I eat? So it's not major major decisions. Sometimes it can't. I can get overwhelmed with so many things that I want to do in my business each day because I have lots of ideas and things, um. So with that I write everything down and go, okay, well, what's going to get me closer to the big picture idea? And I choose those three things to do first, and then that usually takes at least half a day, and then I do my admin emails at the end of the day, when that creative brain is a bit more has been juiced up. Did that answer the question?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm, because it happens right where you get yourself into this spin and you feel like you can't make a decision for me, I notice, when I, when I don't sleep, I, I can almost inevitably expect to find myself in that space where it's really hard to make a decision. And and I and I'm, I was just curious to know, like, when you find yourself there, is there, there, can you, can you reel it back? Like, can you rewind and go back to that initial, that initial reaction?
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, you're right when it comes to not sleeping enough and that's why, like, I feel quite exhausted today and just took my time this morning. There's a couple of things I've been practicing with. One is going okay. Things I've been practicing with one is going okay. If there's too much going on and I feel a bit scattered, it's like all right, come home to yourself, like actually visually see your energy coming back into your body and coming back home and grounding in and just letting everything fall away for a moment, so that you'd back to that oneness and then go okay, what's important right now for me? Another one um, I'm so grateful for my partner when I do get in these. I was gonna say fuzzles, but he just goes remember who you are, that's all.
Speaker 1:Just remember who you are and coming coming back, yeah, coming back to that, yeah to that sense of self, instead of being in inbox and being like, oh, all these things that people are telling me I should do um, you know, because he had all these emails going ways to do this, blah, blah, blah and you're like, oh, I want to learn all of it. That's how my brain works, anyway. And it's actually like you know, you actually already know you have everything you need to know inside, so let it all go. Come home to yourself, however long that might take, and then take the steps that you need to do, but keep momentum. I find sometimes I'm like, oh, I just need to be really still and allow things to come to me, and actually that doesn't work and maybe that's me being a generator as well is, actually I need to keep momentum for things to respond to and to keep creating stuff.
Speaker 2:I love that because a lot of it sits in that space of knowing yourself right, knowing who you are, what you need, what you want. For me, when I talk people through it, when I'm talking to my clients, when I'm, it comes down to that values work, which I think is so vital in figuring out a path forwards. It was for me really understanding what, who, who I am right, what matters, yeah, and then using that as the launching pad.
Speaker 1:Definitely. But even if someone's you know nervous system is wired and they're in burnout mode and that's not a time to be making decisions or moving forward as well, like that's the time to let go again and do the self care so that you can strengthen that inner self and then you've got the capacity to actually take the next steps forward. Otherwise it's coming from that survivor energy too. But working with a great coach like yourself, you can see that in someone and check in with them going. You know, is this aligned, is this in your capacity, with what you want to do? What do you find shows up for your clients in this realm of things?
Speaker 2:In terms of, in terms of what?
Speaker 1:You know what? Well, what's one of the most common things they come to you for?
Speaker 2:I'd be curious to know if it, if there's overlap in terms of our spaces or the, or the things that we navigate, the the most common um is in. Is that inner critic and is that imposter syndrome? Um space, working with women in the domains of leadership, confidence, showing up? How, how do they um, how do they tap into their sense of value and worth? Um and all the ways that that manifests um, so when?
Speaker 1:what ways does it manifest?
Speaker 2:the biggest thing is that lack of confidence, or when that inner critic gets loud, we keep ourselves small and understanding the impact that that has certainly for us as individuals, as leaders and humans. And really, then, the next step being how we then are depriving the world, our community, our meetings, our teams, our environment, of everything that we, that that we are capable of bringing you know, underestimating the value that we add and then not showing up is it's, it's a travesty, and so many of us do it yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:When it comes to my work and the people that I work in my coaching side of things, I find that people I work with my photography are already at a certain place. They're like, yep, I'm ready to be seen, and that's why I moved into the coaching work, because I was taking them to a place. Well, I guess they're ready to be seen. But also part of my process is taking someone's photos is going okay, where are you going? Where's five years from now? What does that look like? Let's take photos of that future self and manifest and magnetize the opportunities as if you're already there.
Speaker 1:And then some people are saying they're not ready to use their photos yet because they don't feel like they're there. And that's when I started coaching five years ago to get their mindset there and clear away the blockages that are stopping them from being there. And with my group coaching program, it's probably people at the stage just before that who know there's a niggle, there's like something they're meant to be doing in the world, but they've been playing safe. They keep on doing something because they are really good at it, they get paid well for it and they get recognized for it, and it's this whole. You know, the zone of excellence versus zone of genius and really stepping into their zone of genius, so giving them the confidence to mirror back to them that innate wisdom and the gifts and why they're here, who they are. So good, isn't that?
Speaker 2:it's such a beautiful part of coaching is not only seeing it in someone else, but really bringing them on the journey to so that they can then see it in themselves.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and you know, I remember someone well, actually it was a part of my journey really people saying, oh, you're so good at being a photographer, you're so good, blah, blah, blah, but it just didn't penetrate, it didn't go in. I didn't believe it and I had to do the inner work to go, and I had to do the inner work to go. Yeah, you know what I am Like. I can do this. This is a gift, and it would be sad not to share it with people and help people reach their potential as well. And so we can be validated by heaps of people and things on the outside, or try and fit into a box that someone's created heaps of people and things on the outside, or try and fit into a box that someone's created, but it's never, it's never going to really ignite that flame of that deep knowing and that self belief and that confidence. And I think that's where the coaching comes in to ignite that fire.
Speaker 2:I love that Prue, I think it's's so true the transition between looking for external validation and approval and when it comes from in here. Yeah, you know so, when we were talking about, or when I was looking over preparation for the podcast, and there are a series of like oh, maybe we'll talk about this, maybe we'll talk about this. And, and one of the one of the points of reflection or questions was you know, is there a saying that you live by? I think was something, and I thought that's a great question, like you know, because you have pillars or things that mark your path, and there are. Depending on the point in my life, there have been different ones. You know, for example, if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room, right. That was one that always mattered to me, that I've said to my kids a million times essentially be challenged, extend yourself, embrace the discomfort, all of that, and it's still really important. But the one that came to mind for this phase of my life right now know your worth, yeah definitely.
Speaker 1:That's well. Actually, you know how people pick a word for the year. Mine's two words it's wealth and worth so it's time to claim my wealth from my worth done 20 years of this now, and something keeps showing up for me is my lack of self-worth and valuing my gifts instead of draining myself and leaving myself with nothing. So that's my focus, and to remember the worth and the value that I bring into people's lives and that it's okay to be paid really well for that too.
Speaker 2:So then, I can, absolutely. That's right. How are you, how are you going to incorporate that, manifest it for your year? If those are your words, what does that look?
Speaker 1:like. Well, what it looks like is update.
Speaker 2:I should have been telling this live, updating a few passwords there are numbers and symbols in there though, so don't try and hack me um but I've got it.
Speaker 1:I've got my vision board up there, which, in feng shui, is actually my success corner as well. So I moved my desk around to be in the right energetic position, have my vision board in the success corner and I've got it written up there. So you know, if I'm having one of those days where I'm not living in my worth and I'm writing an email or sending a proposal to a new client, like just looking at that and reminding me that I have a wealth of knowledge and experience and stories and it's okay to charge what I want to charge for that too, because I am bringing so much value. So, just as a little reminder, each day and it might not be every day, it might just be some days that it's there, and then all the beautiful pictures of going and this is why I'm doing this, because this is what I'm bringing in to my life as well that connection to, to your why I think is so important for many of us, right, Because it's not a pursuit of money necessarily as much as it there's.
Speaker 2:That's.
Speaker 1:That's not the word wealth is is broader than that oh yeah, it's not just money, it's like creating a wealthy life, a lifestyle, and I feel like I really already do have a wealthy lifestyle. I live in an amazing place. I have freedom, even though I'm very disciplined with my work. I start at nine every day, monday to Thursdays anyway. Fridays is my fun flexy day. But you know, when I was 20, I remember saying I want to create a life and business that gives me flexibility and freedom to do what I want when I want.
Speaker 2:And that's wealth. Right like that, that, that freedom, that capacity, that knowledge to be able to, to live that way, is to me, that's a wealthy life definitely what.
Speaker 1:And what about you? Have you got a word for the year?
Speaker 2:I don't oh I should. I really liked the idea of having a word for the year. I think I would really struggle with like picking just one but I'm going to pick one right now.
Speaker 1:What is it? Three, two, Well.
Speaker 2:I feel like, because we were just talking about worth, that's the one that's kind of like bubbled up to the. That's that's the one one, um, but but even I think the the it wouldn't necessarily be worth. The one that came up was value um but I, I would like to sit with that a bit more.
Speaker 1:I'll give you some space to contemplate your words. Thank you, thank you, and when would you like to?
Speaker 2:tell me about what you've come up with.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much. I think this chat's been really valuable to remind people to come home to themselves. They do have all the answers and you you know. Working with people and being surrounded by people that remind them of their wisdom, their worth, their value as well, is incredibly important, and the world needs you yeah, I think that's a pretty beautiful message to take away yeah, is there anything that you would like to share um?
Speaker 2:I I love chatting with you always, and knowing that there are people out there who are doing this work, who are supporting other people, to show up as the best version, to have that confidence to manifest in a way that feels aligned and that adds value, is really beautiful. So I'm grateful that you're out there doing all the things that you're doing and that I've had the good fortune of being in your orbit. Thank you.
Speaker 1:I'm so grateful for you, too, and I will be sharing this with your photos on the cover of this podcast episode as well. If this episode has inspired and motivated you and you know it could help someone in your network, please share it on your favorite social media platform. To explore other ways you can work with me as a personal branding coach or photographer, visit Pruajacom or join one of my personal brand transformation retreats where you reinvent yourself and walk away feeling excited and energized, with clarity on who you are and photos to show the world. Thank you for tuning in and remember to own your power and shine your light. I'm your host, pruaja.