Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
Ready to manifest a life that's aligned and energised? Seen and heard helps you deepen your connection to your higher self, evolve your mindset, and step into your full personal power. Through stories, live coaching sessions and interviews you will feel inspired and motivated empowering you to live a purpose-driven life by design.
Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
ZenCleanz Rainbow Detox Wrap-Up – Reflections, Results, and a Clearer Path Forward
It’s been one week since completing my 7-day ZenCleanz Rainbow Detox, and in this episode, I share my reflections on the entire experience. From the immediate benefits of mental clarity, energy, and lightness to the surprising long-term shifts, this detox has been more than just a physical reset—it’s been a total transformation.
I also share insights into choosing the right timing for a detox, how it impacts productivity, and why fasting isn’t just about what you lose, but about what you gain.
By the end of this episode, you’ll walk away with:
- Reflections on how the detox has continued to work in the week after completion.
- The best practices for choosing the right time to detox (especially for women).
- Why the ZenCleanz Rainbow Detox is perfect for resetting your body, energy, and mindset.
✨ Special Offer for Podcast Listeners:
Begin your own journey of transformation with the ZenCleanz Rainbow Detox. Get 5% off all ZenCleanz products using code PRUEAJA at www.zencleanz.com.
📖 Read the blog for more insights: Detoxification for Transformation Blog Post.
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To work directly with me, bookings are available at https://www.prueaja.com
This podcast episode is brought to you as a part of my 7-Day Zen Cleanse Rainbow Detox Fast Journey. The Zen Cleanse Rainbow Detox is a transformative 7-Day Home Detox Program designed to cleanse your body, nourish your system and reset your energy. It's perfect for anyone ready to release the old and create space for the new. So, whether you're navigating a life transition, stepping into a new role or looking to up-level your business and life, this is, for you, an important disclaimer. The products, information and resources discussed in this podcast are for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical or healthcare advice. Zen Cleanse products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Always consult your doctor or healthcare provider with questions about diseases or medical matters. So there's a special offer for my podcast listeners as a subscriber, you can enjoy 5% off the Zen Cleanse Rainbow Detox and any other Zen Cleanse products. Simply visit wwwzencleansecom and use the coupon code PruAja at checkout, with no space between the names. The link and details are also in the show notes. Let's go. Welcome to the Seen and Heard podcast, created for you if you're a consultant, coach or creative and want to enhance your connection to your higher self, evolve your mindset and embody your personal brand, creating freedom, fulfillment and success. Whether you're leveling up or navigating a new chapter, this podcast helps you own your power and show up confidently to be seen and heard. I'm your host. Pruaja, personal brand coach, photographer and motivational speaker. Pruaja, personal brand coach, photographer and motivational speaker. Welcome to the Zen Cleanse wrap-up podcast episode.
Speaker 1:So it has been one week since I finished the Zen Cleanse. I was hoping to do a episode the day after, but I think it's actually much better that I do this now so I can let you know about the ongoing results, because sometimes, when you're in something you know, you think that there might not be any long-term change or difference. So it's been really nice reflecting on the last week and actually what has shifted since doing the seven day fast rainbow Zen cleanse detox, which cleaned out my intestine, my digestive system and also my liver. So firstly, I want to mention that I think it's a really important um to choose the time that you're going to do important to choose the time that you're going to do this seven day fast, not only making sure you don't have to, you know, do any speaking or public engagements because your energy levels aren't at the full capacity and I will go into what my energy levels were each day but also if you're a woman and you have a menstrual cycle, choosing the time to do it them. So no, not doing it in the week that you actually have your period, but in the second week after that or even the week after that. So I did my cleanse in it was actually the third week, so just after ovulating, um, I feel like it would have been better to do it the week before, because then this week I've actually had my period. So it's been a lot doing the seven day fast and then doing that. So my feels like my body's been doing a lot of work. So next time I'll definitely choose to do it in the second week of my cycle, once my period is finished, and it also just means you're more resilient and it's a better time for doing fast anyway. So, continuing on from doing this, I will be making sure that I do a 24 to 36 hour fast at least once a month. I usually do it on a Sunday, so we have a big Sunday family lunch. Do it on a Sunday, so we have a big Sunday family lunch and then I stop eating around between three and six and that means then I'll start eating either Monday night for dinner or, ideally, tuesday morning to really allow my body to regenerate.
Speaker 1:So some of the benefits from doing the Zen cleanse as well. Not only did I save time during that week, but I also saved money because I wasn't having to do food shopping and cooking and cleaning and thinking about what to eat. So that was actually a really big break. So it was nice even just having a retreat from doing those things. To be honest, I did cook some meals for my partner and my daughter, um, but I said to them you guys need to, you know, get all the things that you want, but I'll make sure that, um, I prepare the food for you, which was quite difficult because I wasn't starving, hungry, but my sense of smell was heightened, hungry, but my sense of smell was heightened. So everything just smelled so delicious and I was salivating. It was really quite hard to sit in front of them and watch them eat at the dinner table, so I avoided doing that at times as well. But I work from home mostly, so when during the day, it just meant I didn't have to be making my lunch and cleaning up and all of those things in regards to my energy throughout the fast, if you didn't listen to the previous day.
Speaker 1:So day one started off at a hundred percent normal, like where I was at normally. I was feeling like I wanted to do this because I was getting a bit of brain frog. I really wanted to let go of a few big things in my life which I had done over the past few months energetically, but I wanted to do that at a physical level. So really have that clean out. Um, so I would say I was at 90% capacity but by the afternoon on the first day definitely down to 10%. There was no way I was doing any work. The really all I could do is probably watch a movie. But, um, I did feel quite headachy and having the detox symptoms. On the first day it was the only day that I did have those symptoms.
Speaker 1:Actually, day two to five, I was at about 60% capacity, so I could still do work. I probably did about four hours of work into two two hour blocks each day, but it was very light. It wasn't like deep creating work. It wasn't launching, it wasn't creating deep and meaningful content or anything. It was very like top level admin ticking boxes type thing. I probably wouldn't be coaching people in that time. I did record a podcast each day to share the experience of doing the cleanse. But definitely try and clear your calendar of any work where you have to show up and serve and give your full capacity. That's for me. Anyway, I like to give my clients my full, a hundred percent best self when I'm working with them. Um, but if you feel like you can do that at 60%, you do you.
Speaker 1:And then day six and seven by that stage my full colon and intestines were cleared out. So it was ready to do the liver cleanse, where it actually softens your gall bladder and all the built up fat and deposits in your liver to be detoxified. So I actually had a lot of energy on day six and day seven. It was almost like I was on a high. It kind of felt like if you've ever had magic mushrooms before, everything was just that much clearer. It's like the fog or the lens of my camera had been polished and cleaned and things were a lot more saturated and I could feel things more and smell things more and I was just like, oh, a breath of fresh air. So much more clearer, connected, clarity, energized.
Speaker 1:I had a social event on the seventh day night, so I hadn't actually been in public and around people except for my partner and daughter in that previous week. So I was kind of like, oh, this is going to be interesting or maybe a bit overwhelming being around people, but it was great. I just was so clear and you know those times when you feel like you just really want to it in a conversation and you've got all the answers and you're really interested in other people and there's this beautiful flow of energy between one another. So it really opened me up to that deep connection. So I feel like a week later, the fast and the cleanse is still doing the work. It definitely shifted massive things within me physically, which, if you go to the blog there is, it might be interesting to read, but there is a link to the photos of what I did release. So there is a warning with that. But if you are serious about taking on doing something like this, it will be really fascinating for you to have a look and see what was actually cleared out of my system as well.
Speaker 1:So I've noticed I don't eat a lot of bread and pasta, but we did have pizza twice in the last week, which is not usual for us. Pizza twice in the last week, which is not usual for us. We usually have pasta once a week and I do love having really yummy sourdough bread as well. But what I noticed is I wasn't bloating after it. I've actually felt like I'm intuitively more drawn to eating cleaner, but still eating those yummy things. I haven't had any crazy cravings. I did have a bit of a chocolate craving for dark chocolate just before my period, but other than that, been eating pretty steadily but haven't felt that heavy, stodgy feeling after eating bread and pizza. I've also, because I have so much more energy and motivation, have been exercising every day and just feeling like it's really easy and effortless.
Speaker 1:So I've noticed that I've been continually shifting weight and dropping that excess fat that's been around my waistline and people have actually noticed and mentioned that as well. So it's when other people see that too. You know that there has actually been shifts. I don't have scale, so I don't weigh myself. I did weigh myself at the end of the last day of the fast and I had lost two kilos. But I really want to emphasize that this isn't something to do to lose weight fast or anything. I'm much more about creating a steady transformation and change with those things, but definitely doing fast and detox to just remove excess toxins and shit that's been hanging around in your body to make way for healthier, more healthier habits. So I feel like it's continually working as well.
Speaker 1:Since doing that, I've definitely felt so much clearer. I feel like this would be really good for anyone that is carrying that bit of excess weight and they feel like the exercise isn't quite working and there's probably they need to do a deep clean out so that your body is absorbing more of its nutrients and what it needs to be healthy. Um, if you're feeling quite sluggish and just heavy, um, feeling brain fog, also confused, not having clarity and really having trouble, um, focusing and concentrating. So if you're easily distracted, because it just feels like all the inner distractions are removed and it's clear so you can be more focused in what you're doing every day, I'll definitely be doing this every six months going forward. I feel like, out of all the cleanses and detoxes I've done over my life, which is probably in the last 20 years, this was the easiest and the most effective as well for me.
Speaker 1:So if you want to find out more, head to the blog. I've written on my website, but also as an affiliate of Zen Cleanse, and from doing this and wanting to share the experience with you, I signed up to be able to offer you a 5% discount as well, so you can use my name, pru Aja, in capital letters, no space in between, for a 5% discount of anything or any products on the Zen Cleanse website. If you are interested and just want to reach out to me, send me a DM on Instagram or an email through the website, and there is a really good community page for people doing the Zen Cleanse on Facebook too, with some health experts that can help you along your journey too. It's good to go in there and ask questions even before you start, too, because I am not a health professional and anything that I have talked about is only from my personal experience and not advice to be taken so taken as medical advice, because I'm not a medical professional. So make sure you definitely consult your doctor before going and doing anything like this. That's quite dramatic. Anyway, I would love to hear if you end up doing this and about the results as well. Enjoy.
Speaker 1:If this episode has inspired and motivated you. You know it could help someone in your network. Please share it on your favorite social media platform. To explore other ways you can work with me as a personal branding coach or photographer. Visit Pruajacom or join one of my personal brand transformation retreats, where you reinvent yourself and walk away feeling excited and energized, with clarity on who you are and photos to show the world. Thank you for tuning in and remember to own your power and shine your light. I'm your host, pruaja.