Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
Ready to manifest a life that's aligned and energised? Seen and heard helps you deepen your connection to your higher self, evolve your mindset, and step into your full personal power. Through stories, live coaching sessions and interviews you will feel inspired and motivated empowering you to live a purpose-driven life by design.
Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
ZenCleanz Rainbow Detox Day 4 – Ease, Energy, and Focus
It’s Day 4 of my ZenCleanz Rainbow Detox journey, and I’ve officially crossed four full days of fasting! Today, I’m sharing how this part of the detox process feels lighter and easier, with surprising bursts of energy and clarity. I reflect on how manageable this cleanse can be, even with light activity and family commitments.
By the end of this episode, you’ll walk away with:
- What it’s like to fast for four days with ZenCleanz products supporting your body.
- How digestive enzymes, quantum particles, and the black vacuum tablet work in harmony during the detox.
- Why resting, simple movement, and self-care are key during a transformational cleanse.
✨ Special Offer for Podcast Listeners:
Begin your own transformation journey with the ZenCleanz Rainbow Detox! As a podcast listener, enjoy 5% off all ZenCleanz products. Use code PRUEAJA at checkout on www.zencleanz.com.
📖 Dive deeper into the power of detoxing for personal transformation: Detoxification for Transformation Blog Post.
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To work directly with me, bookings are available at https://www.prueaja.com
This podcast episode is brought to you as a part of my 7-Day Zen Cleanse Rainbow Detox Fast Journey. The Zen Cleanse Rainbow Detox is a transformative 7-Day Home Detox Program designed to cleanse your body, nourish your system and reset your energy. It's perfect for anyone ready to release the old and create space for the new. So, whether you're navigating a life transition, stepping into a new role or looking to up-level your business and life, this is, for you, an important disclaimer. The products, information and resources discussed in this podcast are for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical or healthcare advice. Zen Cleanse products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Always consult your doctor or healthcare provider with questions about diseases or medical matters. So there's a special offer for my podcast listeners as a subscriber, you can enjoy 5% off the Zen Cleanse Rainbow Detox and any other Zen Cleanse products. Simply visit wwwzencleansecom and use the coupon code PruAja at checkout, with no space between the names. The link and details are also in the show notes. Let's go. Welcome to the Seen and Heard podcast, created for you if you're a consultant, coach or creative and want to enhance your connection to your higher self, evolve your mindset and embody your personal brand, creating freedom, fulfillment and success. Whether you're leveling up or navigating a new chapter, this podcast helps you own your power and show up confidently to be seen and heard. I'm your host. Pruaja, personal brand coach, photographer and motivational speaker. Pruaja, personal brand coach, photographer and motivational speaker.
Speaker 1:Hey, this is day four of my Zen cleanse rainbow detox journey. So I'm hoping, by sharing these little insights each day, it's giving you some preparation If you decide to do this as well and know what to um what. What lays ahead. So obviously, I haven't eaten since friday, so that's four full days of fasting. It's definitely the longest I've ever fasted and, of course, having the enzymes that are included in the rainbow cleanse um, that are included in the rainbow cleanse kit. So it seems to be about every two and a half hours I'm taking something, and that's rotating between the digestive enzymes, the quantum particles and the black vacuum. So the digestive enzymes is about six little tablets. They taste like apple and you just have them and chew them in your mouth and then have at least 250 mils of lukewarm water after. And then the quantum particles is like popping candy for adults. It's really yummy, this white powder. So you just have that and it dissolves in your mouth and then the black vacuum is one tablet. It tastes like a cookie, so it's quite nice, always looking forward to that one. And then you have 500 meals with that one to help it go through your body, so that one apparently breaks down the fat in your digestive system, ready for it to be detoxed out.
Speaker 1:So there hasn't been any purges today, I think yesterday I mentioned about the purge that I had. I slept really well, woke up early, cleaned the house. I've been quite energized and awake and clear, so not hungry, not lightheaded. It's actually been really easy and I think you could do this if you were working, probably working from home. So day three and four or maybe not day three you would do working out or being out and about, um, but day four feels like I could have gone and done stuff today and yeah, it's been really really easy and smooth sailing. It's probably a bit challenging when I have to cook food for the family, but other than that it's been really easy. Took the dog for about a two-kilometer walk this morning and have just been pottering and doing some work in my business as well, but keeping it pretty simple.
Speaker 1:So that's about all I need to share from today's update. If anything crazy happens or changes tonight, I'll give you the update in day five. I can't believe it's already going to be day five tomorrow, yeah, and to see what happens. So day five is the last day of doing the same cycle of these tablets, like I did yesterday, and then day six we actually go into doing the liver cleanse and that's all for now. If this episode has inspired and motivated you and you know it could help someone in your network, please share it on your favorite social media platform. To explore other ways you can work with me as a personal branding coach or photographer, visit Pruajacom or join one of my personal brand transformation retreats, where you reinvent yourself and walk away feeling excited and energized, with clarity on who you are and photos to show the world. Thank you for tuning in and remember to own your power and shine your light. I'm your host, pruaja.