Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
Ready to manifest a life that's aligned and energised? Seen and heard helps you deepen your connection to your higher self, evolve your mindset, and step into your full personal power. Through stories, live coaching sessions and interviews you will feel inspired and motivated empowering you to live a purpose-driven life by design.
Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
ZenCleanz Rainbox Detox Day 1 & 2 | Surrendering to Physical & Emotional Release
Day 2 of my ZenCleanz Rainbow Detox brought new challenges and insights. I share the physical and emotional intensity of the cleansing process, including a surprise struggle with nausea, headaches, and deep emotional release. Tune in to hear how I navigated these moments and why surrendering to the process is so important.
By the end of this episode, you’ll walk away with:
- What to expect during the initial stages of a deep detox.
- How to use visualization and intention to support your body’s natural cleansing process.
- Tips for grounding yourself emotionally and physically during intense transformations.
Affiliate Links Mentioned in This Episode:
- ZenCleanz Rainbow Detox: www.zencleanz.com (Use code PRUEAJA for 5% off)
- Blog Post: Detoxification for Transformation
Connect directly via Instagram or Linkedin
To work directly with me, bookings are available at https://www.prueaja.com
This podcast episode is brought to you as a part of my 7-Day Zen Cleanse Rainbow Detox Fast Journey. The Zen Cleanse Rainbow Detox is a transformative 7-Day Home Detox Program designed to cleanse your body, nourish your system and reset your energy. It's perfect for anyone ready to release the old and create space for the new. So, whether you're navigating a life transition, stepping into a new role or looking to up-level your business and life, this is, for you, an important disclaimer. The products, information and resources discussed in this podcast are for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical or healthcare advice. Zen Cleanse products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Always consult your doctor or healthcare provider with questions about diseases or medical matters. So there's a special offer for my podcast listeners as a subscriber, you can enjoy 5% off the Zen Cleanse Rainbow Detox and any other Zen Cleanse products. Simply visit wwwzencleansecom and use the coupon code PruAja at checkout, with no space between the names. The link and details are also in the show notes. Let's go. Welcome to the Seen and Heard podcast, created for you if you're a consultant, coach or creative and want to enhance your connection to your higher self, evolve your mindset and embody your personal brand, creating freedom, fulfillment and success. Whether you're leveling up or navigating a new chapter, this podcast helps you own your power and show up confidently to be seen and heard. I'm your host. Pruaja, personal brand coach, photographer and motivational speaker. Pruaja, personal brand coach, photographer and motivational speaker. All right, welcome to day two of the Zen Cleanse.
Speaker 1:I was hoping to do an evening session from day one, but there was no way that was going to happen. So yesterday the day started really well. I had lots of energy. Well, of course, I hadn't really started the cleanse. I started around nine. I think I may have done yesterday's podcast around that time as well. So for each hour on the hour I was taking these sachets of a mix of things which got quite gelatinous after being in water. So imagine that going into the body is liquid but then turning into gel and I can just I'm kind of visualizing it expanding in my intestines to then loosen all the built-up crap on the walls in there. I like to.
Speaker 1:Whenever I take a medicine whether it's natural well, I mostly take. Whenever I take a medicine, whether it's natural well, I mostly take natural medicine. I haven't had antibiotics for many years, but I like to really understand what it's doing so that when I'm taking it I'm visualizing it also doing the work that I want it to do as well. Same with vitamins and things, and skincare too. So, yeah, taking one of those sachets after 1230, then you started taking 20 mils of this liquid, which apparently is what actually helps move it through. I want to say everything tastes pretty yummy, considering it's not like when you get a tincture from the naturopath and you're like, oh, every time you have it and just want to spew straight away.
Speaker 1:Uh, however, by I think 3.00 PM was the last sachet that I had, and then I had to go and pick my daughter up and her friend from the movies and drop them somewhere. So I was like an hour and a half driving and as I was leaving I was like, oh, I do not feel good. It felt like the gelatinous, like detoxing stuff, was up in my throat, felt very dizzy and nauseous and we're not dizzy, just nauseous and so my partner came with me and I was like I have to drive Cause I feel like if you're going to drive, I'm going to get car sick and don't talk to me and I can't talk. I'm just going to focus and drive. So when my daughter got in the car with a friend, they had some really intense perfume on and it just like we had to drive with the windows down because it made me want to spew. It's kind of like if you've ever been pregnant and that really nausea I guess that is nausea like sound and smells just really impact you and you just cannot talk. So that happened.
Speaker 1:By the time we got home I had to just walk really slowly from the car home. I had to just walk really slowly from the car Like I had no strength and I felt like if any sudden movement it would just all come out my mouth. So this is about 5 pm. When I came inside I had a bath. So you're meant to have a sauna at 4 pm but I don't have one at home. So I thought, ok, I'll just jump in the bath. Yeah, and by then my phone, because you set an alarm for every pretty much half hour. So on the hour you take the next sachet and in the half hour you make sure that you have a glass of water and I guess that's to remind you to stay hydrated throughout the day. So I found it really hard to even drink water. So I was just having like little tiny sips and I kept hearing the alarm go off to have another session. I was like there's no way I'm going to get this in my body. So I actually had a little listen to one of the videos on YouTube from Zen Cleanse, which goes through each day, and he did say you can spread it out over two days, the first protocol. So after the bath I was like I'm there's no way I'm taking any more of that. I did have the fiber crystal enzymes, which are little tablets so they were really easy to swallow.
Speaker 1:Before I went to bed and I also had a ginger foot bath. So what I did is got a big chunk of ginger and grated it and put it in my Nutribullet with some water and then put that in. I actually got my partner to do this because I could not move and the idea of even lifting a bucket there was no way. I was like in slow motion, like a sloth, which is good, because it made me just really surrender into being lazy and doing nothing and letting my body do what it needed to do to detox. So I had a ginger foot bath for about 30 minutes. I just sat on the bed and just I actually cried. I felt so many emotions come up and it's kind of like when we go through stuff in our life and it kind of gets pushed down and for me I just kept being busy and kept showing up and just be like, no, don't have time to deal with this grief, don't have time to deal with this, I'm just going to keep on working. And a lot of those emotions came up to deep, deep sadness and grief and was just coming up and coming through my eyes. So it was nice to have a big cry as well while having this ginger bath and just know that my body's doing the work.
Speaker 1:It was not easy. It was. I think it could have probably been the worst I've ever felt in my entire life and I've had some pretty severe food poisoning. In India. I've had a baby. I've also had a parasite for over a year at one stage, which that was pretty bad, because I felt bad for a year and that was really scary because the doctors didn't know what was going on and actually took a kinesiologist to find out that it was a parasite and then I just did a four week parasite cleanse and rebuilding my immune system.
Speaker 1:So after the ginger foot bath, lied back down, drank a little bit more water and I actually listened to a healing frequency soundtrack. So as I was falling asleep I had a candle on, like I couldn't handle any light because my eyes were so sore and the headache which started in my shoulders so it felt like really muscular pain went up around my neck and into my head and apparently that's actually the liver and gallbladder being cleansed as well, even though it's actually day five and six that we work on our liver. Um, so it was very intense. So I listened to this one on insight time. I called whole being regeneration, full body healing, delta waves, which is a 90 minute um track, and, yeah, really helped me have a good sleep and my partner fell asleep to it as well, so it was really nice.
Speaker 1:I woke up a few times in the night to go to the toilet. No poo, just urination. I'm sharing that because this is sharing a detox and a cleanse, so I think it's important to share what comes out as well. Um, so that was a bit annoying. A walk comes out as well, so that was a bit annoying, but I fell asleep really easily after we woke up at 6.30 and, yeah, I felt pretty good. So this morning we did some light yoga and stretches my partner's not doing the cleanse but I am and then just went for a really gentle walk with the dog up the street.
Speaker 1:I've also started finishing off the sachets from yesterday. Last night the smell of them I was like there's no way I can ever put that in my body again. But today I was like, okay, you've got this, let's keep going. The body knows what it's doing. It's a very safe detox and cleanse and it's just clearing everything out to make space for the body to start again and be able to have the space to heal itself and absorb the vitamins. But you know, you do get to a point where you're like, fuck, I don't know if I can do this for seven days, and that's why it was really important to set my intentions on the first day and go back to that and go right. This is why I'm doing it.
Speaker 1:I just want to share a couple of other symptoms that showed up so definitely really painful eyes, so light, sensitive, feels like there's a headache in each one. I actually get this symptom probably a couple of times a month as well. So I'm hoping this detox will actually clear out whatever is causing that, which I feel like is related to my liver Mobility. I was fine in the morning yesterday but, yeah, after one there was no more like cleaning out the garage and being productive. It was very much about resting. Um, in the afternoon I could only move really slowly, but I think that was more around the fact of feeling like too much movement would cause me to vomit, which maybe, if I vomited earlier, I would have felt a lot better. Um, so, headache and migraines they were severe.
Speaker 1:Um, there's a list of things that they get you to rate each day, and one of the other things is age spots, and I did notice yesterday I took some photos of my skin and have some spots showing up. So I'm wondering if that is something that gets cleared. So I rated that at a four, which is being intense, but I'm pretty grateful that I have great skin. But, yeah, there were things showing up, so the interesting to track that and see if, from doing this cleanse, it will be removed.
Speaker 1:Um, constipation there was no doing booze yesterday and bloating, so obviously, with this stuff being in my intestines, it is just pushing and expanding my stomach out. With this stuff being in my intestines, it is just pushing and expanding my stomach out. So it is big, hard and round, and that's. I'm trying to make sure to drink as much water as possible as well. So, anyway, that's a wrap up of day one. This is the beginning of day two. I'll see if I can do one tonight and, if not, hopefully tomorrow morning. If this episode has inspired and motivated you and you know it could help someone in your network, please share it on your favorite social media platform. To explore other ways you can work with me as a personal branding coach or photographer. Visit pruajacom or join one of my personal brand transformation retreats where you reinvent yourself and walk away feeling excited and energized, with clarity on who you are and photos to show the world. Thank you for tuning in and remember to own your power and shine your light. I'm your host, pruaja.