Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
Ready to manifest a life that's aligned and energised? Seen and heard helps you deepen your connection to your higher self, evolve your mindset, and step into your full personal power. Through stories, live coaching sessions and interviews you will feel inspired and motivated empowering you to live a purpose-driven life by design.
Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
How to Build Your Brand Without Oversharing - Carlii Lyon
What if your social media presence could make or break your professional success?
In our latest episode, we sit down with Carlii Lyon, a seasoned personal publicist, to explore the pivotal role of intentional personal branding in today’s corporate landscape. Carlii shares her journey from personal publicist to corporate strategist, highlighting how a well-curated online presence can significantly benefit individuals and corporate teams alike. Together, we unravel the complexities of aligning your personal and professional goals through mindful communication.
Is authenticity really about baring it all? Carlii and I challenge this common misconception, advocating for the power of intentional storytelling. We discuss the importance of maintaining personal boundaries and sharing from a place of healing, ensuring that your content is both uplifting and insightful. By focusing on the positive impact of your experiences, you can create a brand that is not only authentic but also valuable and inspiring to others.
Can introverts thrive in the world of personal branding? Carlii shares her expert advice on how introverts can build impactful personal brands without compromising their privacy. We also delve into the excitement of rebranding, from new photos to the transformation process, and emphasize the importance of following your passions. Tune in to hear our interpretation of a tarot card reading, symbolizing the journey from past challenges to a future filled with passion and curiosity. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to embrace and showcase their true selves in a meaningful way.
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What companies are very quickly realising is, firstly, you can't hide the sun with your hands. Social media is never going away, and if there was one thing that has put personal branding in the spotlight, how do you be intentional around what to post and put out there around your personal brand? The truth is Prue, getting attention, getting engagement it's actually not that hard to do.
Speaker 2:Welcome to the Seen and Heard podcast, created for you if you're a consultant, coach or creative and want to enhance your connection to your higher self, evolve your mindset and embody your personal brand, creating freedom, fulfillment and success. Whether you're leveling up or navigating a new chapter, this podcast helps you own your power and show up confidently to be seen and heard. I'm your host, pruaja, personal brand coach, photographer and motivational speaker. Carly Lyon has been shaping the reputation of remarkable individuals from across the globe for over two decades. As a former international personal publicist, her past clients include a world-leading supermodel, new York Times best-selling authors, inventors, musicians and even a British celebrity foot reader. In this episode, carly and I discuss how to confidently communicate your value and proactively put yourself out there and become intentionally visible to the audiences that matter. Enjoy, carly. Thank you so much for joining me today on this podcast, and I'm really excited about where we are going to go with this.
Speaker 1:Oh, thank you. So am I. I'm always excited about going on adventures. Going to go with this oh, thank you. So am I. I'm always excited about going on adventures with you, prue.
Speaker 2:We have been on a couple and we had an adventure last week and I've also worked with a few of your clients as well, doing some of their photos, and you've really helped, elevating people's profiles. What are you focusing on at the moment with your business?
Speaker 1:With my business. Well, as you know, I'm going through a big rebrand, which you have kindly been working with me on, and I'm so excited about putting that out in the world. So that's been a big part of what I've been focusing on. And then, in terms of where my energy has been going and flowing, it's been mainly in the corporate arena, which you know. If you had told me that five years ago, I would have probably just laughed at you because I was anything, and still in many ways anything but corporate. But I've just loved working with so many amazing teams from so many amazing companies and, yeah, I think I'm I'm a bit of a novel thing in the corporate world, but it's exactly what corporate needs. So I've that's what I've been focusing on and what I'm really loving at the moment amazing and what is the outcome of, you know, corporate companies getting you in with their teams.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because you probably wouldn't make the assumption that a company would have me come in and talk about personal branding for their employees with the idea being well, wait on a second, they're. They're in there primarily to only focus on the brand that they're working for. But what companies are very quickly realizing is, firstly, you can't hide the sun with your hands. Social media is never going away, and if there was one thing that has put personal branding in the spotlight, it is social media, because, all of a sudden, everyone's thinking about well, what's my personal brand? How am I showing up in the world? What am I communicating about myself out in the world? So there's that part of personal branding that has made everyone very much aware and interested in the topic. But when we then start thinking about, how does that relate to someone who's working within a bigger brand, within a bigger company? Well, at the heart of what personal branding is all about, it's about how are you intentionally showing up and what are you communicating about yourself to the people and audiences around you? Now, these are important questions that are relevant to someone who's out in the world representing their own brand, so to speak, or their own business, but also when you're working within a business and you're a representative of that business, you still want that person to be very mindful of how they're showing up, what they're communicating, what impression, what reputation you know all of these really important things that personal branding entails applies very much in a corporate space. And, not to mention, you now have employees and team members out on LinkedIn communicating and showing up. And I think it's important, especially for us who aren't necessarily native, and even, in fact, those who are native to social media, being the younger generations really all of us understanding and appreciating generations really all of us understanding and appreciating we need to be intentional about what we're putting out in the world. We need to really think about, you know, what impact that's going to have on ourselves and our future. Because I think we've been given this new toy of, you know, putting ourselves out there, sharing our stories, of getting attention for all of, hopefully, the right reasons. We've been given this new opportunity, but I don't think people really understand and appreciate if you put the wrong things out there or if you're not really thoughtful and intentional about what you're putting out there, that can have dramatic consequences to your life, to your career.
Speaker 1:You know, if I think back 15 years ago when I was, you know, purely in PR, representing high profile individuals. Everything was very intentional, it was very curated. You know every line, every message point, every story we told had to be for a purpose, for a reason. You know, we knew what brand we were creating out in the collective mindset, and often those individuals had a whole team of people around them helping them to work out. Okay, this is how we should be showing up now, if that's the outcome we want to achieve. So I now apply that thinking to what I teach and what and how I coach individuals. It's not about being fake. It's not about pretending to be something that you're not. What it's about is being intentional and making sure that your communication is powerful and impactful in the ways that you need it to be for the audiences that you're trying to reach.
Speaker 2:So true, but also listening to you, I like, oh my gosh, that feels really intimidating because if I post the wrong thing it could ruin my life or ruin future opportunities. And you know how do you be intentional around what to post and put out there around your personal brand. I know that's a very big question.
Speaker 1:No, it's actually not. It's a really good question and I definitely don't want people to be listening to this thinking, oh my God, that's so intimidating, I never want to put myself out there, I never want to show up online. That's not the outcome I'm looking for. The outcome I'm looking for is more around. Think about why are you putting what you're putting out online, why are you actually putting it out there? Because the truth is Prue, getting attention, getting engagement. It's actually not that hard to do. You know. You can spend a little bit of time on Instagram and you know if I suddenly started showing my cleavage, or maybe not my cleavage anymore, unfortunately, no, I'm just kidding, you know there are certain things that certain people can do to get attention and engagement automatically.
Speaker 1:There are certain ways to get people to respond and get involved with your content, and that's all fine. Get involved with your content and that's all fine. But if it's not leading anywhere, if it's not taking you to where you want to go, what actually is the point? And that's my point. So when you ask for how do I know what to share and what not to share, for me it all comes back to why are you sharing? Like, have you actually got clear on why you're sharing? Are you just sharing because you think, oh, that's going to make my audience feel like they're closer to me and that they, they know me better and they'll like me more? Okay, but what's in it for them? Like, what, what's really going on here? What are you really leading with here? It's it's's. For me, it's about just not sharing for the sake of sharing, because what you have to understand and appreciate is, once you put something out into the public, it's no longer yours it's an interesting way of thinking about it it's no longer yours.
Speaker 1:You know you and I are very much attuned to the, the world of energy and the world of intention. Once you put something out into the public universe, into the collective, like that is no longer yours to keep, it's somebody else now can comment on it, someone can have an opinion on it, somebody can you know it's theirs as well now because you've put it out there. So it's just about really thinking about well, why are you sharing that particular piece of information? What's in it for the audience? What are they going to get out of that, and are you happy for that to be?
Speaker 1:I actually remember this conversation with there's a lady in Australia who's known to be basically the fixer in the world of corporate. If you're going through a crisis, you know, especially when it comes to reputation, you go to this woman and she fixes things. Like she has contacts in some of the highest places in business politics, like you name it. She's connected in that world and I was having a conversation with her and anyone who's in corporate will know who I'm talking about. But I won't say her name because you know she. She might not appreciate it. But she said to me Carly, what I tell my clients is only put things out on social media that you would be 100% happy to be on the cover of the Australian Financial Review. Oof.
Speaker 2:That is some good advice.
Speaker 1:Yeah, wow, that is some good advice. Yeah, because that's what you're essentially when you put something out into the public. Because you remember, coming back to my experience in that world of media 15 years ago, that is what we always had to think. If my client's going to say it, there's a chance that the media will pick it up. So they have to be really careful that, whatever they say, they're happy for it to be in the media, and so I think that level of awareness and intention is as important to the celebrity and also to the person who is just putting, you know, stuff out there. It's not about you know, there's still celebrities going out in the world saying things and telling stories and putting themselves out there. It's not about not doing all of those things, but it's just about doing those things intentionally. Definitely just be intentional, be happy for it to be on the cover of the newspaper and know that once you put it out, it's out there, there to stay. It's very hard to retract anything.
Speaker 2:That's really rewired my brain in a way, because I worked in editorial in my years of being a stylist and it's like you are creating your own editorial and realizing it's called social media for a reason because it's your media platform. You're creating your own media and so there's a lot of words flying around about being authentic on social media and people are taking that all sorts of different ways and maybe oversharing or thinking they need to share everything from what they had to breakfast to when they're having a meltdown before they get their period. What's your take on this authenticity trap, as you mentioned before?
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's exactly what I would call it Prue. It has become a bit of a trap, and it's not that I don't. You know, I love words Like I when I'm reading a book and I come across a new word. I just like words excite me, and so the word and the meaning of authentic I love so much. However, what has unfortunately happened is that we've somehow linked being authentic to being fully transparent, and so then, what that means is there is this assumption that to have a personal brand, an authentic personal brand, means that you have to be entirely transparent and share all of yourself, and, like you said, from from you know what you're eating for breakfast to having that meltdown, you know, before your period. I was just sorry. I'm laughing to myself because I'm thinking god, nobody would want to see me three days before my period that that will never be, that will never come out on social media, but I just think this is a really, really dangerous place for us all to be in, because, firstly, just as a more introverted person, I just could not think of anything worse. That's so I've got a bias to being more private and being more selective with what I share, so that I'll table straight away with what I share, so that I'll table straight away. But secondly, I just think you know we have our circle of loved ones, our closest friends. You know they're our go-tos when the times are tough and you know we want their warm arms around us and they see all parts of us and I just think there is something so sacred in having parts of who you are and what you think about and even what you do. You might have hobbies that you don't share with everyone. It's just for you, and if it's not just for you, maybe it's just for you and your partner, or it's just for you and your partner, it's just for you and your close friends. And the fact that that's not, or those parts of yourself are not, showing up in your personal brand, which I regard as your public identity, right, it's what you're putting out, it's your public face, it's the face you show the world, it's the story you tell the world. Your public face, it's the face you show the world, it's the story you tell the world.
Speaker 1:Um, to think that you have to try, even attempt to put all parts of yourself into that public identity, I think is, firstly, almost impossible and, secondly, I don't really think it's necessary and I don't think I don't think there is a huge amount to gain from doing that. Yes, I do agree, being vulnerable creates connection, you know. I do agree that there's something beautiful about feeling heard and feeling seen by reading someone or, you know, hearing somebody talk about something that you've been through and that you have that common point of experience. I'm not saying about, I'm not saying don't share any of those things. Yeah, be intentional about what parts you share and for what reason, but I'm just saying you don't have to share all of that. You don't have to share all of that because I just think some of that has to be sacred. It's for you definitely.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know I've definitely shared some vulnerable posts, but I've been very conscious around sharing it from the scars and not the wounds.
Speaker 2:Yes, some advice I was given years ago so that making sure that I'm through it and some things.
Speaker 2:You know, you're never quite sure if you are fully through it or not, but if you've learned lessons that's just maybe going to help one other person If they're going through that situation, then I do that and you know I consciously think about when I'm creating content. If I find something, read something, hear something or do something that has really shifted my mindset to creating a better life or business for myself, then I'm like, well, this is content for me because I want to make someone else's life better and really pave a way for them to realize that they can create the life that they want and truly own their gifts and confidently put themselves out there. So that's what I'm thinking every time I share something. Now I'm like is this going to really uplift someone and make someone's day? And I also try to avoid anything that's too political or too one-sided. I just stay away from that and stay neutral and just think how can I bring light into the world today and make someone's day a bit brighter.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I think that that is so beautiful. Bit brighter, yeah, and I think that that is so beautiful. I I I'm taking a guess here, but I'm fairly sure it was Gandhi that said your life is your message, and I believe that. I believe that we have our life story and we've been given the journey or we've created the journey, however you like to look at it in our life for a reason, for a purpose, in a way that offers tips and tools and strategies to help other people who are, you know, maybe two, three, four, 10 steps behind you, go through the same thing. I mean, that's what. What other purpose is there in life? I mean, that's a beautiful, impactful way to just be and to show up in the world. I'm not talking about that. I think that that's, if anything, what I would encourage an advocate for is is yes, take what you know, use your stories and your lessons to help other people and and have it be intentional and purposeful and all of those beautiful things. But I think it goes back to exactly what you just said. It's making the distinction between the wounds and the scars and it was exactly like in a phone call I had today. A client of mine was saying the same thing. She was almost turned off by the idea of having a personal brand because she was scared that to have any kind of personal brand meant that she had to, you know, just share all of herself. And she said exactly the same thing that the only thing I want to share is something that I can then offer a roadmap for someone else to get through. And I think that's wonderful.
Speaker 1:But that's not necessarily what's happening out there. You know, if you spend any time out in the world of social media and not even just social media, just even in in-person interaction, or how a person's showing up, maybe even on stage, it's, it's. It's like with this pendulum has swung from professional meaning, cold, detached, completely impersonal to suddenly this embracing of vulnerability and transparency and authenticity, meaning you show everyone everything, all your wounds and everything you're going through, and expect everyone to get on the journey with you. I just, I don't know, maybe it's a generational thing, but I just think it's a dangerous place to play and, like I said, it's only becoming more and more, more apparent when we start to look at privacy and how important privacy actually is in our life, that we need to consider that too in what we share and how we share it.
Speaker 2:So true, and I want to mention your content and what you share and your newsletter. I absolutely love when it comes across my screen because it's so engaging and your posts really cut through. I see people commenting on it. It gets a lot of engagement. So you know what do you think about before you put something out into the world, to your audience you think about before you put something out into the world, to your audience.
Speaker 1:Well, it's not too dissimilar to what you were saying before. When I, you know, I also consider what have I been through? What have I learned? Can that lesson be helpful or impactful to someone else? Uh and um, you know what would be my top takeaways how can I communicate that in a way that's really easy to digest and really also practical? You know, I really am someone who likes to offer practical follow-up tools.
Speaker 1:As you can see behind me, all of the books that I love and read, the books that I love the most are the ones that not only give you the theory and the inspiration, but also give you the practical tips and tools to actually put the thinking and the ideas into practice. So that's what I'm thinking about when I create content beautiful and I don't think I'm necessarily. You know, I think that there's a lot more I could be doing. I'm sure we all have that feeling that god could we. That's Luigi talking. He wants to be part of the show as well. He was in the shoot the other day and now he wants to be on the podcast as well.
Speaker 1:Luigi, you're not invited, but that's really what I think about and I'm also, you know, coming back to that intentional and that editorial mindset, like you said, which I think summed it up so beautifully. You know, you were in media and you had that editorial mindset and, yes, you are creating your own, in a way, media platform. A lot, if not all, in fact, all, of my content is related to personal branding. All, in fact, all of my content is related to personal branding. I don't stray from that and at the same time I can. My aim is always to take, perhaps, topics or find analogies that you're, you know, in different parts of life, but it always comes back to personal branding.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and you do it in such a beautiful way that it always sticks in my mind and I always just have to reply to your newsletters because it does does touch me and whenever someone does share something from the heart that cuts through and is practical, like you said. You know, it's easy to digest and remember and I always make sure that I comment and and give someone love as well. So remember that actually, if you see someone putting themselves out there, sharing their personal brand, sharing a story or what they do, you know, give them acknowledgement because that does boost the serotonin a little bit and it just helps that person keep going as well. Totally, I completely agree, I really do.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for all your wisdom today and on this topic that people can be intimidated by, and I know it's taken me a long time. I used to always worry about what to write because I've got the photos, but I don. I know what to write and it's like just keep it simple. Yeah, you know what makes it look good, or you know something that can help someone else from looking at this image as well?
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly, and you do a beautiful job, prue. I hope you really do recognize that you do a wonderful job. And you know, just in summary recognize that you do a wonderful job and you know, just in summary. I really do hope anyone listening to this doesn't walk away and go oh my God, I'm never putting myself out there on social media, I really. It's not the intention. The intention is just remember, be intentional. And also, if it is about being authentic, my advice would would be be authentic to who you want to be, and that sometimes means saying things, doing things, showing up in a way that perhaps it doesn't feel entirely natural in that first transition moment or in those, you know, in that first period of change, but just keep remaining authentic to who you want to be, because eventually you will embody that person and that's, you know.
Speaker 2:that is ultimately the goal yeah, 100, and actually that's a process that I take my clients through with photography and coaching is being really clear on. You know where they want to be in three to five years now and what that looks and feels like, and that's in all areas of their life, not just their business, because I really believe in creating a business around the life that you want and then creating content from that space and that mindset like what would you be thinking about doing and sharing as that future self? Yeah, photos, I take photos of you as that future self so that you start embodying that and creating that magnetic energy with those images that actually then attracts those opportunities from that space too. So it's um, yeah, I love, I love all of it and I feel like everyone is born with a special gift and their unique stories to share and empower others in their lives, their network and the rest of the world.
Speaker 1:Absolutely, I completely agree with you.
Speaker 2:Now something else I want to do, which is do a little tarot reading for you, carly. Oh, I'm excited. So I was mentioning before that you know we're both very into energy and the spiritual side of things, and I had a reading a few months ago and she said you've got guides around you who you can call on for advice at any time, and it's just having the right tools, and I found actually using tarot cards has allowed me to, you know, get clarity on some things when I'm feeling stuck. Now I'd love to pull a couple of cards for you. Is there anything that you would like guidance on at the moment?
Speaker 1:well, I think, given that it's by your hand, I would say let's go with guidance on the rebrand.
Speaker 2:Let's see what comes up okay, tell me a little bit about what you want to know about the rebrand am I without divulging too much?
Speaker 1:yes, the question to the universe is am I on the right path?
Speaker 2:am I on the right path? Okay, let's avoid yes, no questions and go for something like what do I need to know?
Speaker 1:What do I need to know to stay on the right path? Is that better?
Speaker 2:Yeah, all right, let's see what they have got for you, and I like to do a past, present, present and a future card for these. So, let's, I'm actually going to tilt the screen down so you can see cards. Yeah, well, don't know how that view is. Okay, so interesting, it has come up upside down. Okay, we have got the five of swords, yeah, two of wands and then the page of wands. So I am still in the using my book time. Let's have a look. Okay, I was getting really into this a few weeks ago and then I've let go of it a bit. So swords is all about thoughts and communication and it's the mental activities and the stories that we tell ourselves. So the five of swords is a challenge. Oh, is this the past? It's the past?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so if there was a challenge around what you were telling yourself? Yep, it adds to your business.
Speaker 1:Yep, yep, that makes sense.
Speaker 2:It was be more authentic.
Speaker 1:No, I'm kidding, it was be more authentic.
Speaker 2:No, I'm kidding. So it makes sense then, moving in towards this rebrand, and then we've got the ones. So the ones are about action and passion, drive, excitement, your personal callings. Oh, this is great. It's interesting that that's present. Yes, the two is partnerships, interestingly, oh. So I might actually go a little bit deeper on that one to see what it is telling us. And if you are a professional tarot reader out there, please don't judge. Please don't judge. But I did do an actual introduction meeting with these cards and they have been really good to me. So, interestingly, two of wands is make a plan.
Speaker 2:Oh, I mean, that's exactly what I'm doing so visions of the future split between worlds material without love duality. So the timing is ripe to time um. The timing is ripe, the time to plot and plan, make alliances, list your goals, create a vision board and write out your plan for action the world is in love.
Speaker 2:The energy of fire brings you higher than you've ever been before. A view unfolds. The energy of passion swings in your favor. Business partnerships are favorable, as people are equal verve and ideals are soon to be united. Like-minded people are drawn to you.
Speaker 1:I mean, did you place that card purposely?
Speaker 2:I didn't. These cards are seriously incredible and I'm okay, but now I'm afraid of the future.
Speaker 1:So now, because it's been so spot on, you better have pulled the best card for the future okay.
Speaker 2:So it's a wand, it's a page of wands. So that again is you know your passion, drive and excitement, action, your callings, also spirituality and our ultimate destiny. And it's a page so childlike, awareness and curiosity. Let me just find the page of wands. Follow your delight. Oh, I love that gathering of intelligence, focused, passion, adventurous soul. So the page of wands represents an attitude of fascination and excitement. It places her attention entirely on what thrills her. Let pleasure guide you where you need to go. The magic of attraction is impossible to dismiss. Stop holding back from all the things you want to do and indulge in your obsession. Honor them by focusing on them. Oh, I love that. Okay, and is, um, how do you? How does that feel, with the direction that you're moving in?
Speaker 1:it feels great. I mean it's I'm. I'm excited about the direction that I'm moving in, and so, to me, it totally works in with what you're talking about in terms of following my delight, because that is really as unexpected as it has been. It really is my delight. I'm just I'm working with these amazing people, with these and in these incredible companies, and they're so smart, like they're so smart, uh, because you know they have to be there. They're representing some of the best companies in the world, and to me, that is so exciting. So, yeah, am I chasing my delight and my joy? Yeah, I am. And is it taking me all over the world? Yeah, it is, and that is also really exciting.
Speaker 2:Super exciting. There's a sentence at the very end here which I want to share with you. Turn a new page and let her lead you to the destiny that was always yours.
Speaker 1:Oh, I just got goosebumps. So beautiful, it's so beautiful. I want to get some of those cards too.
Speaker 2:They're amazing. If you do decide to get some, let me know and I'll send you the link to where you actually have a meeting with them so that you connect with them and they understand you and you understand them so perfect. I will thank you. Thanks so much for spending the afternoon with me and I really hope this inspires and empowers the listeners to take action and put themselves out there.
Speaker 1:I really hope it does too. Like I said, I don't want it to scare anyone, but I want people to realize that showing up authentically doesn't mean that they have to bear all and divulge all, and I think to any introvert listening, that's going to actually come as a huge relief, because putting a very curated, intentional, even very specific brand out in the world is no less a personal brand than someone who has intentionally put everything out there and that's how they want to be and that's how they want to share, and you know that's great. If they're doing that with the future in mind, that's wonderful. But for all the other people out there who are maybe more the quiet, introverted, more private people, you can have a personal brand that's very powerful, very impactful and doesn't require you to bear all your deepest, darkest secrets because, yeah, I certainly am not going to be bearing mine, even though the tarot cards did share some of my secrets today, which, in a good way in a good way.
Speaker 2:In a good way. I'm excited to see the um, the other side, this rebrand, and for the photos from our shoot to be out into the world.
Speaker 2:I am in love with them, so so excited thank you again and thank you for what you do if this episode has inspired and motivated you and you know it could help someone in your network, please share it on your favorite social media platform. To explore other ways you can work with me as a personal branding coach or photographer, visit Pruajacom or join one of my personal brand transformation retreats where you reinvent yourself and walk away feeling excited and energized, with clarity on who you are and photos to show the world. Thank you for tuning in and remember to own your power and shine your light. I'm your host, pruaja.