Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
Ready to manifest a life that's aligned and energised? Seen and heard helps you deepen your connection to your higher self, evolve your mindset, and step into your full personal power. Through stories, live coaching sessions and interviews you will feel inspired and motivated empowering you to live a purpose-driven life by design.
Seen and Heard with Prue Aja
Decoding your intuition for Business Growth | Sierra Sambrosky
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Have you ever felt that silent whisper guiding you towards a decision, only to second-guess yourself moments later? Our esteemed guest Sierra, a business consultant with a twist of intuitive mediumship, shares her riveting journey of self-discovery and how she leverages her unique gifts to mentor clients in personal and business growth. Embark with us on a narrative adventure that begins in Sierra's childhood, wanders through her years of self-doubt, and culminates in the transformative power of intuition she now embraces to steer both her life and her clients’ ventures toward success.
The line between our intuitive hunches and the skeptical voice of our critical mind can often seem blurred. In a thought-provoking discussion, Sierra and I uncover how to trust those joyful nudges and separate them from the clutches of fear and self-sabotage. We traverse personal anecdotes that reaffirm the potency of intuition and delve into the cosmic dance of astrological influences that might be subtly shaping your destiny. It's a chapter of exploration that promises to offer valuable insights for recognizing and harnessing the quieter voice within you.
Finally, Sierra and I touch upon the emotional rollercoaster of spiritual healing, acknowledging the discomfort that often precedes growth. We converse about the power of emotional purging in fostering breakthroughs, stressing that while the path to self-awareness might be fraught with challenges, it need not be a perpetual battlefield. Our episode wraps up with an inspiring note, aiming to leave you equipped and motivated to navigate your own journey of spiritual and professional evolution with a newfound appreciation for the role emotions play in our growth.
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To work directly with me, bookings are available at https://www.prueaja.com
Hey Sierra, hi Prue, how are you today? Yeah, I'm great. It was so good to connect with you last week and I was really excited about what you do. I just wanted to share your story and how you help people to my audience, because it's pretty incredible Actually. How would you explain what you do?
Speaker 2:Hmm, that's probably a good question. I think I explain it differently to different people all the time, but what I really do is deeply understand that, whether we're a business owner or not, owner or not, whatever it is we're doing in life is a direct product and deeply influenced by whatever is going on with us. And so for me, even though I am and have been a traditional business consultant for 20 years, the truth of the matter is that I can't help somebody in their business without helping them in whatever it is that's going on and coming up for them in their personal life and their emotions and their beliefs, whatever that looks like able to connect to a spirit, their higher self, whatever language somebody likes to use around that, and know really specifically what is going on with them and how do we fix it. And then how do we fix and adjust whatever needs to happen in somebody's business.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I love that, and that's similar to the type of coaching I do. Although I'm not an intuitive medium, I am intuitive but, yeah, I truly believe that a business can't outgrow its owner, and so if there's blockages happening within them, then it's going to affect what's happening on the outside as well. So I'm curious, how did you actually, you know, discover that and then apply it to business?
Speaker 2:Well, you know I mean, obviously, I was born an intuitive medium I always knew things that I wasn't supposed to know. As a kid, I had information about what was happening in adults' lives and the people that were around me. I, as a child, saw and heard dead people, even though I didn't know that they weren't there, that nobody else could see or hear them, and because of that, in the way that I grew up the structure that I grew up, the framework that I had growing up, that was not something that anybody understood, and so it got me into a lot of trouble, and it really, I guess, in some ways kind of scarred me, honestly, so I'd shut so much of that down, and I just never really understood it. What came to be, though, was that in life, in random circumstances, and in my traditional business consulting roles, I would often know these things. That just seemed completely illogical.
Speaker 2:So it was happening for me, and I was getting that information in bits and pieces all the time, even long before I ever understood it, and people would be freaked out out, as one might expect them to be, you know, sitting next to me on an airplane and they're making chit chat, and I start telling them. Well, yeah, that's because this happened to you when you were a child. And da, da, da and they they would be like you know who are you? How do you know this about me? So it was always showing up.
Speaker 1:And was there a moment in time when it kind of got to a point where kind of like an awakening, where you had to really step in and start owning that because it was a part of your path?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, I think there was two really pivotal things that started that came in. I had already started meditating on my own. I had gone back to school for holistic health and counseling and as a part of that course study, I was exposed to meditation and started doing that on my own.
Speaker 2:So I was now hearing voices in my head and at one point I was a single mom in my head and at one point I was a single mom. And so here I was, thinking that I had lost my mind because it was happening outside of when I was meditating. I would have these spells where I could, like hear audibly all these voices and people saying things, and I thought for sure that I had lost my mind, that I was, you know, schizophrenic, probably, um, and that I, you know, went into panic around. What the heck am I going to do? I'm, I'm taking care of my daughter. I have to support her. I'm gonna have to go check myself in.
Speaker 2:It should have been a clue to me that I was like, so rational and logical about what was going to need to happen and something in me I was literally praying. I was praying like, please help me to figure out what to do, and the voices stopped, not not too long after that, I had a chance encounter with someone who I didn't know and it turns out that she is another intuitive and came to me and told me that I had this gift and I was meant to use it to help people. And you know that we all have this gift, but some of us have it extra, and I frankly didn't think she was nuts but I was like, yeah, I don't think I really want all this extra responsibility. I already have all kinds of responsibilities and I'm already helping all kinds of people besides myself and all this pressure. So I really kind of resisted it honestly for a little while, um and I.
Speaker 2:It just evolved then that I ended up. I did go back to her. She was deeply religious, she is she's, she's still here and I'm still connected to her and she's deeply religious. Um, she actually is like super catholic and and had her own personal struggle with understanding her spiritual gifts, worrying, um, that within the religion we're kind of taught that can be sacrilegious or it's, you know, some potentially evil, and that there's all these things that we're not supposed to be able to do per se in the religion container. And so she struggled with that and just really helped me to understand it more deeply, how to work with it and use it, and then then it was kind of like the floodgates opened up in a lot of ways so when you had those voices, you actually ended up shutting them down because you felt like you were going crazy, like how long was that period of time?
Speaker 1:because I've definitely felt like that before as well. I'm like, oh my god, what is going on?
Speaker 2:I feel crazy yeah, um, I had several bouts of it, wasn't like it, like it lasted every day, all day, for weeks or anything like that. I think, probably over the course of maybe about six months, though I would have like maybe once a week. I would have this spell and it would be kind of dizzying and, like I said, I would hear all these these voices and things A lot of times it was everybody kind of talking at once over top of each other, so it just sounded like being in a loud room, but it was like this very audible um experience.
Speaker 2:Like I said, it was literally like they were all in the room with me and I was alone and for me, I've come to learn now that we do have control over it, that we can I don't want to experience this that way and we can decide how we are communicated with, because we all do have the gifts. Every single one of us is a divine soul, a divine energy, and so we always have that connection. We're never actually really separated. It's just about learning to recognize it and learning to trust it. But, like I said, some of us just um I always say some people are really great at sports or really great at math or really great at art. We can all learn to do those things, but some of us just have like a heavier dose, naturally.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I guess it's what we're naturally drawn to and yeah, it's going to come, come and hit you in the face if you don't listen to that little whisper as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and we all have those experiences right In our life where there's times where you're like I knew in that moment I should have done this or I shouldn't have done that, or I should have trusted this person or I shouldn't have trusted that person. We can always look back and see, and a lot of times it is our intuition, it is, you know, our gut. Some people call it um, that is telling us something, but we're we're always being guided and we're always connected.
Speaker 1:I know that to be true so I with being guided and listening to your gut intuition, because sometimes we get these whispers and it's like okay, this is. You kind of get this feeling like, oh, I want to go and study that, or I want to just randomly go to that coffee shop today, but then then your brain comes in and goes no, but you shouldn't do that because you need to get back to that email or you need to do that job, or you've got to do this, and why would you go and study that? And so I've been in points in my life where I've gone which one's my you know my head and which one's my intuition, and how to differentiate that. Do you have any tips around that?
Speaker 2:Sure, I mean once you start to practice with it, cause it is a muscle. So once we start to practice with it, you do recognize that it almost comes from a different part of your brain that you know the the critical brain is usually. For me it's always up front. That's the self-story, that's the ego part of myself that's giving me some kind of direction, whereas the intuitive, the spiritual part of me feels like it comes from more, like behind me. It's more so sometimes people can recognize that it actually is coming from a different place.
Speaker 2:Another thing that I often say to people is recognize how a different place. Another reason, another thing that I they I often say people is recognize how your body feels, because a lot of us are not particularly in tune with our emotions and so you can often be able to actually feel it in your body. So if you're hearing yourself say, no, I need to get back to the house, and you're like bringing your shoulders up or there's like a constricted feeling in your body, then you typically know that is the story in your head. That's the ego, that's your rational mind that is telling you that and not necessarily your intuition. Your intuition will always feel light in your body and more expansive, however it is, that that looks um. The other thing I think is always too, is that your intuition, your divine self and those that information that comes through to you is, in my experience, is never critical. It's never judgmental, it's never telling you what you should do, it's simply giving you a joyful nudge.
Speaker 1:Okay, so if there's a should attached, it's usually the ego or the critical mind. Absolutely, that could almost be a checkpoint.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. Anytime that we are feeling that we should do something, it's usually out of some sense of a belief pattern or a sense of responsibility. It's almost always picking up on something that somebody else is that we're carrying as our own.
Speaker 1:So then, because you've got this skill so sharpened, so when it comes for you to make decisions, do you ever make wrong decisions anymore because you're so tapped into your intuition?
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know, um, it certainly and and I joke about this a lot and in particular when I was first learning to really understand and harness it all for myself, I would argue I would like get stuff in meditation. I would, I would get nudges and I would rationalize it and think, no, I don't really want to do that and oh, that's probably my imagination. That's usually another clue to when something seems like a really spontaneous, random thought and we want to write it off as our imagination. The imagination really is a creative force. It really is our creative energy which in, in my understanding, is the same thing as your divine knowledge and your divine guidance.
Speaker 2:So anytime that we want to write something off in a as being, well, that's just crazy, or I don't know why I even thought about that, or I don't know where that came from. I don't have time for that. Those are usually those indications. But I absolutely argued I would rationalize. I'm so rationalized and I still do it to a certain degree. It's just that I catch myself faster now, instead of going all the way down the path. Anymore I pretty much recognize almost straight away. Okay, wait a minute. I think I'm dismissing something here.
Speaker 1:I think I'm rationalizing something away it's so interesting because, yeah, I get those downloads. Meditating, um, like a like a month ago, two months ago, I was meditating and I had this idea come in and go, you need to connect to that videographer and do a higher beautiful house for the day and do this collaborative shoot. And I just, I actually just trusted it and went with it and it worked out perfectly. We booked out within 24 hours, so it was like that natural nudge that I listened to and there is.
Speaker 1:I have to make a decision today about something quite big um, which is leaving the country next week for a week to go do something and I'm like fighting myself so badly because last year I was like, oh, I really want to go and do that thing.
Speaker 1:And now the opportunity's come up, going, well, you should go and do that thing. But then my brain's going, yeah, but every time you go and do these things you come back and then you're like have no money, and you're stressed out and and then I'm just caught. I'm like, oh, what's going on? And then lots of fear and sabotage is coming up, and so I get it almost. Because I don't make the decision quick enough, I get intertwined and in this like tight little mess, mm, hmm.
Speaker 2:What do you do? And so I would say, and so proof, given what I just told you about the signs and how to know what's intuitive and what's not, if you're feeling all intertwined and knotted up about the rational side of it, that's the part that's your ego mind. I can tell. I mean, if you really want to know, I can tell you.
Speaker 1:You're supposed to go, do it I would say you are supposed to go do it.
Speaker 2:The thing what's really interesting, though, is they said as soon as you started talking about it, I was like yeah, she's supposed to go, there's no question about it. The important thing for you to remember is to change the story you tell yourself. You know you said that your rational mind is telling you every time you go do this, I come back and then I have no money and there's all that. Tell yourself that this is a different experience. This time you will go back and you'll have a different experience when you come home.
Speaker 1:Okay, yeah, because it's a very powerful time, with these solar eclipses happening at the moment and I'm a Libra with Aries rising, so I'm like in the middle of it and I'm an.
Speaker 2:Aries, I would say, and I'm an Aries with two planets in libra, so I'm the same oh, you're feeling it too, feeling a bit insane.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's a very powerful time it is and I just I feel like a lot of shadows from last year that I thought I'd really cleared out, just coming up again. It's like, hey, I thought we already looked at this and let it go what are? You doing yeah, that's how the?
Speaker 2:lunar eclipse. I would say astrology is not super my thing, but because this lands so squarely into what my chart looks like, I've done a really healthy amount of research around it and I will say that the lunar eclipse that just passed um was all about endings and completions. So it really is the last and a lot of karmic clearing. For a lot of people. It really is kind of like the last shreds of what has been your patterns and your beliefs and your wounds finally, finally leaving, leaving Well.
Speaker 1:I hope so. I feel like they say that every moon, but I think this one's like a 12-year cycle or something, so it is stuff from a really long time, yeah.
Speaker 2:And especially, like I said, if you like you said, if it's you're in the Libra Aries access, these are extra extra intense for us, right?
Speaker 1:now access. These are extra, extra intense for us right now, and so this trip is actually going to the number one place on earth, from nasa um, to view the solar eclipse. Oh, on the 8th that sounds super exciting it's a very intense. It's a um expedition with insider expeditions, and I'll be going and doing photos of um capturing the event, but also portraits of the musicians and the people that are going to be there.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, it's um I don't know why you would say no to this. I know it's awesome.
Speaker 1:I think because I've been feeling a bit anxious and just like yucky stuff coming up with this moon that it has felt a bit sabotaging myself, to be honest. Yeah, I'm curious, when you like, just then, when you tapped into guides Now, are they my guides or are they your guides? How does that work? Well?
Speaker 2:in my belief, they're the same. Okay, because we all are one, it is all you know. It's that whole idea that we are all just drops of the same ocean. So in a lot of ways, my guides are your guides. Um, it's, we do have ones that we more directly connect with on an individual basis. I would say that, because of my abilities and where I am, I would more likely tap into ones that are more directly connected to you than they are directly connected to me, and yet, like you said, they're also kind of the same yeah, and do they come in through?
Speaker 1:so when I imagine you're talking to your guides and I have I did a meditation the other day to call in your guides, because it's something that I do want to develop more I imagine them as like these physical little ghosts kind of behind you, but is it more just voices?
Speaker 2:that kind of download well, I mean, we can all experience them however we want. Honestly, you get to. It's just like I said you get to decide, you get to choose what you want that experience to be. Um, for me personally, I always explain it as it's like reading a book. For me, so you know, when you read a book and you read a part that has conversation in it, you hear the conversation in your head and yet you know it's not your own thoughts, it's coming from this other place, right, when I read a book, I can see the scene as it's being described and painted out to me, and yet I'm not really seeing anything. That's how I also get kind of the vision For me personally. I also can have a very strong sensation. I can sometimes be overwhelmed by a feeling. Sometimes it's a really a physical sensation in the body, and yet it's not actually happening. I would say I know this sounds super weird.
Speaker 2:I don't even know how else to explain it, um, but yeah, I get it in all different kinds of ways, though it's not literal, um, and also when I do like a guided meditation for myself and I'm I meet a guide, or I meet an angel or an ascended master, they all can have sort of a visual quality about them, as I'm, you know, in that space with them. But typically when, when I'm, when I'm working with somebody and like when you just asked me, I don't, I don't see anything.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Okay, and do you know anything about? You know, just before someone has a big breakthrough, sometimes a lot of fear can come up, or they have this kind of cleanse or anything. Do you know much about that?
Speaker 2:Yeah, sure I mean the biggest part of it is that our fears, our beliefs, our emotions, the things that come up, is always something trying to get your attention to be released. So, before we go through a big transformation in our lives, as we are trying because a lot of us try to do healing and up level ourselves and our lives and our understanding and our connection to them it's going to culminate and bring up all these things. Like I said, whether it's beliefs, whether it's fears, whether it's emotions, sometimes it's experiences that are all coming up that are really just pointing you to whatever it is that needs to be released. So it absolutely makes sense that the bigger you are going to take a jump. If you do the work, if you actually allow yourself to go through it rather than suppress it or repress it, if you go through it, it will clear it away so that it no longer is an issue for you.
Speaker 2:But I know like a few minutes ago, you had said about you know, you felt like you had cleared these things. It is like an onion, yeah, but all that means when we and we can be really self-critical and be in a lot of comparison and self-judgment, and so we feel like I already did this. I thought I cleared this, I thought I healed this. I went to therapy, I thought I had forgiven them. Whatever those stories are that we tell you, but all it really means is that you are just now at a different level you now are at a deeper part and you're being asked to move again and so it has to resurface.
Speaker 2:Do you hit a point where it's completely cleared out and it will be gone?
Speaker 1:yes, with some things, thank god, yeah yeah, uh, because it's interesting, like the stuff that's coming up for me is it's sabotaging, going and doing this trip and there's a part of me it's like I just stay home, like I just stay safe, take care of things that need to be taken care of, and that actually feels a bit calming for me. I'm like oh, that feels, that feels better then yeah, the niggles, there it's like yeah, but what if?
Speaker 2:You know, the thing with that is that it is cliche. And yet it's cliche for a reason. It's because it's true. We are feeling more safe and more comfortable in the places that we've always been Right, right, so they're like the whole truth around.
Speaker 2:you know why you continuously attract in a particular part of you that recognizes that there's a part of you that is familiar, and so it gives you a sense of certainty, because you know what that dynamic looks like, and so that's true with any area of our lives are in the same space. The level that we're at, the operating place that we're at, will feel certain and comfortable. But you have to just ask yourself but do I like it? Am I okay where I am, or are there things that I want to change? And the answer, if it, if it is that there are things that I want to change, there are things that I want to do differently well then you're going to have to get uncomfortable.
Speaker 1:Interesting, and is that something that you help people work through as well? Oh, for sure.
Speaker 2:I was going to say I don't even know. I think for many people, believe it or not, don't have necessarily a really deep spiritual framework or experience. Some of them don't even have hardly any personal development experience, and so coming to me and working with me alone is usually uncomfortable, and it is always because it's what I asked for in my work. When I, when I work with somebody and when I work with spirit to help someone, is to show me the things that need to be shaken loose, to show me the things that they need to release, that they need to reprogram, that they need to process, that they haven't processed, that they've suppressed or they've been unaware of, and so, yeah, it's uncomfortable, it's uncomfortable.
Speaker 1:That is so good to know and I'm sure people listening to this will totally resonate with all of that and I'm so glad that someone like you exists to help them through that and, with you know, helping them connect to their higher self and be guided and learn to trust that intuition more as well. It's super important.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, and.
Speaker 1:I'm saying.
Speaker 2:A lot of times people say to me oh, I've been thinking about that or I always wanted to do that, like we. Again, and that's the one thing I would leave in everybody with is that you really are being guided all the time, whether you work with someone like me or not. We really are, and so you know. Trust that when something feels persistent and kind of out of the blue, that it really is its way of guiding you, just as repeating patterns and seeing ourselves cycle back into the same dynamic or making the same mistake again is just another way that you're being shown and guided and pushed to make changes and to deal with something and move and do it differently. Even though it's going to be scary sometimes, it can be. It can be. It can be all kinds of things that are unpleasant. I'm not even gonna lie.
Speaker 1:I never lie about it I never lie about it that's something that they don't tell you as a kid. It's like, yeah, follow your dreams, but it's going to be scary.
Speaker 2:It's going to be hard, you're going to have to do some work, but the highs will outweigh the the lows yeah, if people people don't tell you that about personal development or spiritual development either, they make it all sound like, oh, you have this big awakening and then all of a sudden you have this inner peace and no, you gotta dig up a lot of crap there's got. There's a lot of purging and a lot of crying and a lot of things that have to come through. Now does it have to be gnashing of the teeth for 10 years? No, it doesn't. But it's not all like rainbows and fairies and connecting to angels all the time.
Speaker 1:Well, thank you so much for your time. It was really awesome chatting with you and, yeah, I think the listeners got to experience a little bit about what you do as well, so thank you. Thank you so much for having me and I'll leave some um links in the show notes of how people can connect with you as well, okay.
Speaker 2:Awesome.
Speaker 1:Thank you again, bye-bye.